The Bluest Eye

Emily Ward
2 min readOct 7, 2020

So far “The Bluest Eye”, written by: Tony Morrison, has made me become a deeper thinker. This story can definitely be very confusing at times but I think that it is a very interesting and complex narrative. As the reader, I really enjoy getting to know what the characters are thinking, as well as, seeing the cause and effects of the events happening throughout the story. Morrison is very good at digging really deep into the characters feelings and emotions, which creates very good, well thought out ideas for the reader to try and understand.

The experience for the reader, is a very bumpy ride at times. While you may see a certain detail meaning one thing, another person could take it as another. The details could also mean multiple things so that is really interesting for the reader to experience. For example, the doll is a huge part of the story and has many different meanings. The doll represents the standard at which beauty is held, what Pecola wants to be, the eyes Pecola wishes to have, and even represents different things to the rest of the characters. This also helps create an image of the characters and creates different tones for the characters.

A lot of the issues talked about in this book are still issues many people unfortunately still experience today. This book talks a lot about race and how it effects each character. Mrs. Breedlove for example experiences a ton of disrespect, hate, and abuse. For many people today this is still happening just because of their skin color. This novel really speaks to these issues by showing how these characters have to deal with it, and the negative impacts racism is impacting them. These are some reasons why I believe this novel is still very relevant to people today. Racism is a huge issue and this novel really digs deep into how the characters are being affected so terribly by it. These issues being discussed could be very relatable to many people still reading this novel today.

